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» Suntem indexaţi de motoarele de căutare?
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» Sa mai auzim si de bine in Romania :
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» Masina Timpului
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» Ce este FOIP?
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» Inertia
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» Lucrul mecanic - definitie si exemple (Secţiunea 2)
Scris de CAdi Mar 16 Iul 2024, 05:20

» Laborator-sa construim impreuna
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» Stanley A. Meyer - Hidrogen
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» Mesaj de la Razvan în Fotografia astronomica.
( 3 )

» Mesaj de la eugen în Ce fel de popor suntem
( 2 )

» Mesaj de la Razvan în Fotografia astronomica.
( 2 )

» Mesaj de la CAdi în Experimentul Pound Rebka
( 1 )

» Mesaj de la CAdi în Grup de cercetare pentru constiinta
( 1 )

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Here comes the Sun

Abel Cavaşi
21 participanți

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In jos

Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 Empty Here comes the Sun

Mesaj Scris de sandokhan Sam 14 Mar 2009, 19:10

Rezumarea primului mesaj :

Stiti deja fotografiile Iss/Atlantis/Mercury/Venus Sun transits...acum, in premiera, si video-urile...

Distanta fluturata in mod oficial nu exista absolut deloc...Soarele, la doar 1-2 km in spatele ISS (manevrata prin remote control), exact dimensiunile oferite de teoria pamantului plat...

La fel si pentru aceeasi distanta, cam aceleasi dimensiuni...

Iata si pozele:

Ni se spune ca diametrul Soarelui este de aproximativ 1,4 milioane km si ca diametrul lui Mercur ar fi de aprox. 4,800 km in diametru...

De aceea Sun Transits din 2003-2004 au fost atat de importante, tocmai pentru ca aveam sansa sa vedem cum am fost dusi de perspectiva cu tot...

Between the ISS/Atlantis and the Sun are only a few kilometers and not the 148.999.600 kilometers we have been lied to with.

The next two photographs show exactly the same distance from Venus/Mercury to the Sun, as in the photographs taken with ISS/Atlantis shuttle, and moreover, the same dimensions, of just 50-75 meters in diameter; it was well known in the ancient world that the stars are very small (with the exception of Jupiter, Sirius B-Saturn, and the heavenly bodies which cause the Moon and the Sun eclipses, Rahu and Ketu).

The ISS/Atlantis station/shuttle are maneuvered by remote control, because of the radiation no astronauts can be aboard; the entire space shuttle program has been faked since 1979; ISS/Atlantis use the Cosmic Ray Device of Nikola Tesla to orbit above the earth (as do all other satellites, whether geostationary or orbital).

Compara cu:

Si cu:

Compara cu:

Si acum din nou cu:

In aceste fotografii, luate in timp real, real-time photography, nu se vad deloc cei 149.000.000 dintre ISS si Soare, cei 79.000.000 care ar trebui sa existe intre ISS si Mercur, si cei 69.000.000 care ar trebui sa existe intre Mercur si Soare...

Aceleasi distante Mercur-Soare, ISS-Soare si cam aceleasi dimensiuni...asta e situatia...

Cititi si Faint Young Sun Paradox, argumentul senzational care distruge odata pentru totdeauna explicatia oficiala (nuclear energy ca sursa de energie pentru Soare)...

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Numarul mesajelor : 795
Puncte : 19353
Data de inscriere : 16/11/2008
Obiective curente : Acum mă preocupă următoarele:-1)...-2)...

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Mesaj Scris de Pacalici Joi 16 Iul 2015, 08:11

Asa cum ne spune domnul moderator eugen, nici o nava nu ar putea sa treaca printr-o regiune asa de fierbinte, fara sa ia foc , indiferent cat de dens ar fi gazul din jur.Este suficienta o molecula/cm cub si o ia mama naibi de nava.

Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 Nomenclature_of_Thermosphere

De asta ,ma simt nevoit sa repet , toate fotografiile "din cosmos" ale NASA sunt minciuni fabricate in Area 51.

Banat pe termen nedefinit

Numarul mesajelor : 5571
Data de inscriere : 21/08/2014

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Mesaj Scris de eugen Dum 02 Aug 2015, 10:51

Stability of the heliocentric solar system

It is only at the highest level of academic circles specialized in bifurcation theory (thus, well-hidden from public view) where we find the truth about the original H. Poincare quotes, which do show that a differential equation (initial value d.e.) approach to celestial mechanics IS IMPOSSIBLE. 

As Poincare experimented, he was relieved to discover that in most of
the situations, the possible orbits varied only slightly from the initial
2-body orbit, and were still stable, but what occurred during further
experimentation was a shock. Poincare discovered that even in some of the
smallest approximations some orbits behaved in an erratic unstable manner. His
calculations showed that even a minute gravitational pull from a third body
might cause a planet to wobble and fly out of orbit all together.

Here is Poincare describing his findings:

While Poincare did not succeed in giving a complete solution, his work was so impressive that he was awarded the prize anyway. The distinguished Weierstrass, who was one of the judges, said, 'this work cannot indeed be considered as furnishing the complete solution of the question proposed, but that it is nevertheless of such importance that its publication will inaugurate a new era in the history of celestial mechanics.' A lively account of this event is given in Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System. To show how visionary Poincare was, it is perhaps best if he described the Hallmark of Chaos - sensitive dependence on initial conditions - in his own words:

'If we knew exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the universe at the initial moment, we could predict exactly the situation of that same universe at a succeeding moment. but even if it were the case that the natural laws had no longer any secret for us, we could still only know the initial situation approximately. If that enabled us to predict the succeeding situation with the same approximation, that is all we require, and we should say that the phenomenon had been predicted, that it is governed by laws. But it is not always so; it may happen that small differences in the initial conditions produce very great ones in the final phenomena. A small error in the former will produce an enormous error in the latter. Prediction becomes impossible, and we have the fortuitous phenomenon.' - in a 1903 essay 'Science and Method'

That is why the conspirators had to invent a very complicated new theory, called chaos theory, with the help of G.D. Birkhoff and N. Levinson; their work was the inspiration for S. Smale's horseshoe map, a very clever way to describe Poincare's original findings as "workable" and "manageable". The formidable implications are, of course, that chaotical motion of the planets predicted by the differential equation approach of the London Royal Society is a thing that could happen ANYTIME, and not just some millions of years in the future, not to mention the sensitive dependence on initial conditions phenomenon.

Even measuring initial conditions of the system to an arbitrarily high, but finite accuracy, we will not be able to describe the system dynamics "at any time in the past or future". To predict the future of a chaotic system for arbitrarily long times, one would need to know the initial conditions with infinite accuracy, and this is by no means possible. (exceptional analysis of the differential equation approach and the implications thereof)

(superb analyses of the long term stability of the solar system)

Smale Horseshoe concept:

KAM theory:

Stability of the Solar System: (if it cannot be accessed directly, list the link on google search and use the quick view option)

Velikovsky stability theory:

Butterfly effect:

E. Lorenz did not realize that a system of three nonlinear differential equations could not approximate at all such a complicated natural phenomenon; there is no butterfly effect, the weather in Asia will not change due to the movement of a butterfly's wings in North America (sensitive dependece on initial conditions).

Homoclinic orbits:

Poincare chaos:

Dynamics and Bifurcations, J. Hale and H. Kocak (pages 248, 477, 486-490)
Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, S. Wiggins (pages 286, 384, 420-443, 550, 612), both edited by Springer-Verlag; the information in these pages actually show the mathematical and physical implications of chaos theory.

The Duffing oscillator (prototype for nonlinear oscillations), the driven Morse oscillator, Poincare's three body problem equations, the librational motion of a satellite equations, the Ginzburg-Landau equation (nonlinear Schrodinger eq.) which reduces to the Duffing oscillator, all will have parameter values for which the stable/unstable manifolds of a saddle point will come into contact tangentially - homoclinic tangency.

Differential equations can be used on a very limited base (classical mechanics, quality-control, electronics/electrical engr., thermodynamics, and even here with certain assumptions/simplifications) and not at all in order to describe/predict biological processes and cosmological theories, where the aether theory comes into play to explain all the details.

Moreover, the system parameters will be varying functions of time, not to mention that the coefficients of the forcing/damping functions will not be "sufficiently small" in actual practice.

The assumptions actually made in describing various phenomena in several branches of physics are very well described in the classic Mathematics applied to deterministic problems in natural sciences by C.C. Lin and L. Segel (chapters 1, 4, 6, 8 ); page 43 exemplifies the extraordinary philosophical implications of the differential equation approach in modern physics:


Numarul mesajelor : 3910
Data de inscriere : 19/03/2010

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Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 Empty Re: Here comes the Sun

Mesaj Scris de eugen Mar 26 Mar 2019, 08:56

Pentru lordQ:
In primul rand bine ai venit pe forum.
Poate iti este de ajutor acest topic, in cautarile tale .
Urmarind inca de pe prima pagina dialogul Sandokhan-mm vei afla lucruri interesante. Succes.

sandokhan a scris:Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 DisplacementPressureWave

Cu siguranta ca subiectul propus de tine, unde sonore/unde de presiune, merita sa fie cercetat intr-un laborator bine dotat al unei universitatii de renume, a research topic demn de orice lucrare de doctorat.

Atat tibetanii cat si blocul de piatra nu se aflau intr-un spatiu inchis/delimitat (tunel); iar principiul pe care se bazeaza levitatia acustica este diferit de anularea vreunei presiuni a aerului.

Orice propagare a unei oscilatii va avea o lungime de unda care va fi un multiplu/fractiune a valorii cotului sacru, iar tibetanii stiau acest lucru extrem de bine, data fiind pozitionarea foarte precisa la 63,56 metri de blocul de piatra. (explicatiile pentru starile posibile ale materiei: E7 - solida, E6 - lichida, E5 - gazoasa, E4 - prakriti (primul ether), E3 - apas, E2 - tejas (prana), E1 - vayu, si akasha)

Deci, sunetul produs de instrumentele plasate la 100 x 1SC va activa/energiza toate undele, intr-un mod progresiv (si aici cred ca are o legatura cu cotul sacru, 0.63566 secunde), pana cand vor fi accesate frecventele razelor gamma/cosmice si chiar dincolo de acestea (octava 64+); in acel moment atomii blocului de piatra, compus in mod obisnuit din stare de materie E7, vor rezona cu frecventa starii de materie prakriti (primul ether). La fiecare stare a materiei, au fost observate asa numite sphere-walls care delimiteaza fiecare grupare de tahioni (E2 - quarks, E3 - mezoni, E4 - protoni, E5-7 - starea obisnuita a materiei); aceste sphere-walls (pentru tahionul Anu propriu-zis forma sphere-wall este de dodecahedron) pot disparea daca exista o sursa de energie vibrationala care sa le activeze. Unele blocuri de piatra s-au sfaramat de la sunetul produs de preotii tibetani, ceea ce inseamna ca nu se poate ajunge dincolo de starea prakriti (la apas), in aer liber, daca se continua energizarea cu sunet.

Mai mult, numai vibratia cu lungime de unda (curentul teluric) de 1600 x 1SC (numere intregi) nu va intalni obstacolul format din dealul cu inaltimea de 250 de metri aflat la 400 x 1 SC metri distanta de blocul de piatra.

Cum au fost transportate blocurile de piatra pentru monumentele egiptene sau pentru Stonehenge? Cu ajutorul unei tuning fork (diapazon - bara de metal in forma de U, care vibreaza la lovire si emite sunet), setata pe frecventa de multiplu/fractiune 1SC si cu dimensiuni proportionale cu valoarea cotului sacru, si cu toiagul hermetic (cristal la varf), care prelua vibratia pentru o anumita durata de timp; toiagul atingea blocul de piatra, ai carui atomi, dupa cateva minute, intrau in starea prakriti. Blocul de piatra era preluat atunci de unda yang a curentului teluric (lungime de unda 200 x 1SC) si executa un arc de cerc pana ajungea la sol (distanta de 100 x 1SC - 63.566 metri, in linie dreapta), iar procedura era repetata din nou.

Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 GW224H323Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 GW204H308

Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 397px-Relief_of_Ptah

Se pare ca si Edward Leedskalnin (Coral Castle) a utilizat un tuning fork asemanator:

Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 GW429H364


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Numarul mesajelor : 3910
Puncte : 33022
Data de inscriere : 19/03/2010
Obiective curente : Ma intereseaza comportarea bobinelor in inalta frecventa, la care apar impedante capacitive proprii sporite, eliminarea lor, reducerea rezistentei peliculare, marirea inductantei unei bobine, condensatori de inalta capacitate, etc.

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Mesaj Scris de CAdi Mar 26 Mar 2019, 18:03

Daca ar fi asa de simplu procedeul, prin care niste salbatici din epoca de piatra ridicau platforme,
el ar putea fi replicat si astazi.
Dar nu e ... probabil ca este o fantasmagorie...gen pamantul plat.

Foarte activ
Foarte activ

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Numarul mesajelor : 12259
Puncte : 58451
Data de inscriere : 16/02/2011
Obiective curente : Acum mă preocupă următoarele:-1)...-2)...

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Mesaj Scris de eugen Mar 26 Mar 2019, 18:55

O fi principiul "EmDrive" sonic...


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Numarul mesajelor : 3910
Puncte : 33022
Data de inscriere : 19/03/2010
Obiective curente : Ma intereseaza comportarea bobinelor in inalta frecventa, la care apar impedante capacitive proprii sporite, eliminarea lor, reducerea rezistentei peliculare, marirea inductantei unei bobine, condensatori de inalta capacitate, etc.

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Here comes the Sun - Pagina 10 Empty Re: Here comes the Sun

Mesaj Scris de scanteitudorel Mier 27 Mar 2019, 06:10

CAdi a scris:Daca ar fi asa de simplu procedeul, prin care niste salbatici din epoca de piatra ridicau platforme,
el ar putea fi replicat si astazi.
Dar nu e ... probabil ca este o fantasmagorie...gen pamantul plat.
Niste salbatici asa cum ii numesti tu au avut niste cunostinte in diverse domenii de nu-ti poti imagina . De ce nu s-au pastrat aceste cunostine , este o alta tema de discutie . Dar pe scurt am sa-ti spun unul din motive . La un moment dat folosindu-se de aceste tehnici au inceput sa faca mult rau Universului , pana s-a suparat cineva .
A decedat

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Prenume : Tudorel
Numarul mesajelor : 4989
Puncte : 25674
Data de inscriere : 20/02/2015
Obiective curente : Electricitate si magnetism , energii neconventionale .

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Mesaj Scris de eugen Lun 08 Feb 2021, 23:18

sandokhan a scris:

La sfarsitul secolului XIX, Henri Poincare (numarul trei in ierarhia tuturor matematicienilor) a facut o descoperire incredibila, ascunsa de public, chiar si de marea majoritate a matematicienilor (se afla despre aceste aspecte la nivel de doctorat, cand deja este prea tarziu; supravietuirea profesionala depinzand de contracte, de government research grants, si altele care nu sunt oferite celor care ies din linie): un sistem de ecuatii diferentiale neliniar cu valori initiale nu poate descrie nici macar the three body problem. Sistemul planetar heliocentric nu poate fi descris matematic printr-un sistem de astfel de ecuatii diferentiale.

Unul dintre cele mai interesante mesaje pe care le-am postat vreodata, teoria bifurcatiilor, KAM theory, Smale horseshoe maps, homoclinic orbits, stabilitatea sistemului planetar heliocentric, cu o bibliografie care include lucrari de nivel de doctorat:

vezi si

Cei mai buni matematicieni ai secolului XX, printre care Jurgen Moser, V.I. Arnol'd si A.N. Kolmogorov (cel care a fost printre primii care l-au laudat pe Fomenko pentru noua cronologie) au cautat sa gaseasca un raspuns la problema ridicata de H. Poincare, fara succes, vezi mesajul scris de mine, si bibliografia de acolo...


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Numarul mesajelor : 3910
Puncte : 33022
Data de inscriere : 19/03/2010
Obiective curente : Ma intereseaza comportarea bobinelor in inalta frecventa, la care apar impedante capacitive proprii sporite, eliminarea lor, reducerea rezistentei peliculare, marirea inductantei unei bobine, condensatori de inalta capacitate, etc.

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